Chronicles of a Creator Reborn


July 8, 2022 = 11:32pm

Second stretch done!

I wonder if Iowa is going to send me any speeding tickets, because I've heard horror stories about going one over and having the book thrown at you. However, all the Iowa-plated cars going 15 over on the highway makes me beg to differ.

Anyway, I finished working on the layout to my super secret level idea that I started at the tail end of yesterday and worked on a bit this morning. Links => The Layout w/o Coins, The Layout with Coins. The goal of this level was to create a rendition of Robtop/early 1.6-like gameplay and structuring with a completely new song that isn't in the game's files, as [redacted]. I can't wait for them to [redacted]. Cyl doesn't want me to share that information until they're finished. :( I'm happy with how this is turning out though. I wonder what she has to say about The Punisher ?

That pretty much sums up my creative efforts for today. I arrived at my second hotel at about 5:30pm CST today, chilled around until 7:30pm, and had a bleu cheese burger at an Angus burgerhouse just across the street. Mmmm, bleu cheeeeese... I may begin working on decoration of The Punisher tomorrow morning depending on how things go. Tomorrow will be my last day until I arrive at my apartment in Colorado! Looking forward to that. =:3