Chronicles of a Creator Reborn


July 7, 2022 = 10:25pm - 10:36pm

First stretch done!

I spent about 8 hours travelling from my house, through Michigan, through the upper left tip of Indiana, through downtown Chicago (fuck Chicago, 2 semis and a shitload of cars pulled out in front of me without warning, and I made it to Iowa City without a scratch! My family has booked a couple of hotel rooms for me to make my trip out to Colorado easier, and god almighty is it a pleasure just to lounge around and relax after 8 whole hours of dehydration and defying death at 70 mph. My next stop is a La Quinta somewhere in Nebraska, then after that is my apartment in Golden. 8 hours down, 9 to 11 more to go!

Anywho, at one of the rest stops, a couple of biker dudes from the Scorpion chapter from Michigan parked next to my car at an Illinois rest stop. I don't know why, but I felt like they were protecting my car and me until we split ways. Funny how I like to think about things.

After eating a big ol burrito for lunch-dinner from a local mexican place and browsing Discord for a bit, I got to work recreating a 5-year-old level of mine, Nostalgic Adventures on the 1.6 GDPS. Even after a few hours of working on it, I still only have about 50% of it done, most of which is missing color triggers and the rest to 64% a complete layout mess. I had a ton of sync issues due to misjudging how wide certain gaps were, meaning parts that I built after-the-fact were upwards of 2 or 3 entire units off and thus were offsync. Given I put my mind to it, I should finish the remainder of the restoration by tomorrow night.

I remember what I said last night about wanting to put some color and styling into my journals. Well, that'll have to wait I suppose. It's 10:36pm and I'm beat from the drive and chugging away at my level...

I wonder what my hotel has for breakfast tomorrow morning. =:3