Chronicles of a Creator Reborn


July 11, 2022 = 9:42pm - 10:09pm

So many new sights and people!

Today was my first day at CoorsTek. I showed up at their training academy, met a bunch of new people, had my picture taken for an ID Badge, took a bunch of notes for today's presentations, and learned a bunch of stuff about how the company operates. One of the biggest points they nailed deep was NO SHARING UNAUTHORIZED TECHNICAL INFORMATION OR PRODUCTS IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER, ESPECIALLY THOSE FROM FOREIGN MARKETS. So, as I make future journal entries, I won't be able to share a whole lot of specific information here, though that's hardly something I want to do in the first place. Much like the Punisher I'm working on for Cyl. Anywho, after my lunch break I was lead over to the worksite I'll be interning/managing in, and I met my manager who I'll call Mr. C. Mr. C led me around the plant, showing me a bunch of machines and processes and pieces that they make at that facility. Lots of cool stuff. The one piece I picked up was a small and disproportionately heavy gray slate that Mr. C said cost several thousand dollars to produce. Mind. Friggin. Blown.

After playing Chess with my online buddy Raspoza (and handing his BUTT to him several times, today was an off day for him lol) I got back on to finishing Punisher again. I didn't settle on my promise yesterday to get it done today, but I only have 1 section left to complete. I decorated the ball section in the post-drop and finalized the decoration in the ending memory section, so, neat.

I'm feeling empty and tired again, so I'mma hit the hay. It's been a struggle to write this both due to my own tiredness and Adventure Time videos playing on my second monitor, heh. Anyway, good night. No promises made about tomorrow's ventures. Excited to work some more and get to learn my facility's ins and outs. =:3